giyim kuşamları, kendilerine gösterdikleri özen ve bakım
kendilerine, işlerine ve çevrelerine duydukları saygının da
göstergesidir. İster katı kuralları olan bankacılık veya ilaç sektöründe
olsun, ister çalışanların özgürce giyindikleri teknoloji ve reklam
olsun, giyim kişinin karakterinin, zevklerinin hatta iş yapış biçiminin
aynasıdır. Bende Cuma günü için uzun zamandır giymediğim ve
fotoğraflarda çok belli olmasada yırtık kot modası üzerine kendi
yırttığım kot ve onu kırmızı stiletto ayakkabılarım ile kombinledim.
Kurukafa deseninin taşlı olanları pek bana hitap etmese de bu renkli
deseni severek giyiyorum. Hasır çantam da çok şirin ve yaza oldukça
Employees wear, care and maintenance in which they themselves are also indicative of respect for their work and the environment. Whether you are strict rules of banking, or in the pharmaceutical industry, technology and advertising companies or employees get free clothes to wear clothing of one's character, tastes, and even mirror the way of doing business. I have not worn in a long time, and photographs on Friday, though not a very particular style of ripped jeans and her red stiletto shoes with jeans kombinledim their torn out. Skull and crossbones pattern does not appeal to me so stoned ones I'm wearing this color pattern to be sent. Summer straw bag is also very cute and very affordable.
Employees wear, care and maintenance in which they themselves are also indicative of respect for their work and the environment. Whether you are strict rules of banking, or in the pharmaceutical industry, technology and advertising companies or employees get free clothes to wear clothing of one's character, tastes, and even mirror the way of doing business. I have not worn in a long time, and photographs on Friday, though not a very particular style of ripped jeans and her red stiletto shoes with jeans kombinledim their torn out. Skull and crossbones pattern does not appeal to me so stoned ones I'm wearing this color pattern to be sent. Summer straw bag is also very cute and very affordable.
Bag/çanta: lcw
Pants/pantolon : levis
Shoes/ayakkabı : pasaj
Shoes/ayakkabı : pasaj
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